Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Fitness Journey Week 29 and One Word 2015 Update

I can't believe that I've been on this fitness journey for 29 weeks already. Even though I was overweight, I'm really feeling so much different now, and I can't imagine going back to just eating whatever and not working out.

I've said this before, but it really is second nature now for me to get up so early, get dressed in my workout clothes, and go out to our detached-garage-turned-gym to do my workout. And I really enjoy that alone time, too. It's just me, my video, my weights, and knowing that I'm improving myself. I can feel that I'm getting stronger, too, with my Pump workouts.

I will say that my nutrition is not as on-point as it was when I first started. I have my moments, but I'm just not being AS careful as I was, or as I think I should. But, I'm still making progress, and this week I lost another pound, bringing my total to 27 pounds lost since July!

I also wanted to update a bit on my One Word. I wrote about the word I chose for 2015, "Push," in this post. I have to say, I have second-guessed picking a word that means moving obstacles. When I picked it, I was feeling very confident and optimistic about the new year. Don't we usually feel that way about a new year? Now, I'm not saying that I'm not confident or optimistic now, but I am saying that I've had the opportunity to experience obstacles this year. A LOT of them. Just in the fitness realm, at the beginning of January I fell down my steps and bruised my tailbone. That hurt for a while, but it's feeling better now. Then a couple of weeks ago, I twisted my ankle while holding my daughter, so I tried to keep from falling with her. My foot was swollen for a couple of days, and it's actually still sore just a bit. In the emotional realm, let's just say I have a 3-year-old. Haha, but seriously, we've had some situations where we are needing to teach her acceptable boundaries and teach her to listen to us, and that just creates some obstacles. So, little did I know that choosing the word PUSH would cause me to be put in situations that would force me to push through, but that's what's happened.

Anyway, I WILL keep pushing to my next goal. I still want to lose 13 pounds by the end of April. And I want to continue to develop my character, so I'm okay (sort of) with the obstacles that I've experienced so far this year.

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