Sunday, December 7, 2014

Weight Loss Update Week 20

I am reading Stephen Covey's book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. It is really good, and I keep thinking that I wish I had read it several years ago when I first heard about it. But at the same time, I probably wouldn't have taken it in like I am now, so I guess it's meant for me to read right now.

One of the things that I'm reading about right now has to do with time management and priorities. The actual habit is "Put First Things First." He talks about how so many urgent (important or unimportant) things get in the way of the important (but not urgent) things. (And then, there are the unimportant and non-urgent things that are basically time-wasters.) So basically, the important things don't get done because they are not urgent enough to be focused on.)

Now, I have NEVER been great at time management. I have developed that skill more in my professional life, but in my personal life it still can be a struggle. But he talks about taking the time to prioritize those non-urgent, but important, things so that you're being proactive and not having to always deal with the urgent, important crises.

You can certainly apply that to being healthy. How many people put their health on the backburner for most of their lives, only to be faced with a heart attack or some other health crisis later? It's so important to make exercise and healthy eating a priority NOW. Plan your meals ahead, prep them as much as possible, even make them ahead in order to avoid that mid-week I'm-tired-but-I-don't-have-any-meals-so-I'll-just-get-a-pizza. Jason and I have gotten so much better at that. I don't know how many times we did something similar to that, thwarting our attempts at losing weight. But we both think through our upcoming week, get a shopping list together, and then prep our food. It is a lot of work, but it pays off in the end.

Well, after Thanksgiving, I got easily back to my healthy eating. I had never stopped working out, so I was continuing with that. And this week I felt good AND went back down another pound. Yay!

So, now I am asking you...shouldn't you be putting first things first? Making your health a priority? It is almost 2015, and now is the time to plan ahead. You probably will make a New Year's resolution to lose some weight, eat better, exercise why not get ready for that now? I will be doing a 4-week challenge group where the participants commit to working out with a Beachbody program, drink the Shakeology meal replacement shake, eating healthy, and interacting in a closed group on Facebook. Participants get individual coaching, support, accountability, recipes, and meal plans. If this is something that you're ready to commit to, comment below or message me on Facebook. If my journey has been the least bit inspiring, know that YOU can do this, too. You can inspire others to be healthy.

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