Monday, December 29, 2014

P90X3 DONE! Before-After Pics


If you haven't read much of my story so far, just know that my husband and I started the original P90X back in 2008. We probably made it about 5 or 6 weeks, then never continued. Then we tried to start again, and I don't think even went a whole week. I tried to do the yoga workout a few times, as well, but it was so long.

Anyway, that being said, in July I became a Beachbody coach and started my journey to getting more fit. I started with the program PiYo, which I think is a great way to get back into working out if you haven't for a while. It really improves your flexibility, too.

PiYo was an 8-week program, so when I finished that, I moved on to P90X3. Let me just tell you, that I LOVED it. And honestly, even though it IS an accomplishment that I finished it, working out everyday (with rest days) has become so second nature, that it almost doesn't feel like the accomplishment that it is.

This would normally be a weight-loss update post, but honestly, I'm still at the same weight that I have been for just over a month. I've lost 23 pounds since July 26. In the last month, I've gone back up a pound, lost it again, and maintained. And I guess, if you look at what most people do, the fact that I made it through Thanksgiving AND Christmas without gaining any weight is pretty great. I did keep working out, but I wasn't so strict on myself with my eating. I pretty much tried to stick to the routine, but I allowed myself more cheats than I normally would. So, I have to say, that I thought my after pic today would be worse than November's, but now that I look at them side-by-side, I don't think it is. I'm not sure what was up with my lighting, though.

P90X3 Before and After Pictures
Progress after completing PiYo, P90X3, healthy eating, and drinking Shakeology
So what's next? After a little bit of figuring things out, I've decided to do a hybrid program of Les Mills' Combat and Les Mills' Pump. Unfortunately, Beachbody will no longer be selling those once their supplies run out. I'm excited to start it. I won't be starting that until Jan. 5. At least that's the plan. Stay tuned for more weight loss, though!

Also, if you are wanting to start your own journey, I'd love to help you through it. Connect with me on facebook or leave a message to let me know, and we can go from there.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Goal Setting

The statistics show that only 8% of people keep their New Year's Resolutions. When I was in college, I did not make New Year's Resolutions. Instead, I would set goals for myself. I always wrote the goals down in my journal right around the end of the year for the upcoming one; then, I would review them at the end of that year. I knew the concept that resolutions did not tend to last very long, which is why I called them goals. But, really, the types of goals I wrote probably didn't last that long either. In fact, they were just glorified resolutions. I actually haven't set goals for a new year in SEVERAL years, which probably says something in itself. Since I became a Beachbody coach in July, I've been reminded more of the importance of goal-setting. As we approach the new year, setting goals is going to be on the minds of most people. Probably, everyone has heard about making SMART goals...making your goals specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

I want to be more about setting goals now. I need the purpose, the drive that goal-setting brings. I know I need to make it attainable, but I also need it to not be too easy. For one thing, when your goals are more difficult to attain, you are likely going to work harder than you would for a more easily-attained goal. Also, I've recently heard it said that when you're working toward a goal, you're happier. And I guess that makes sense, because it's giving you a purpose, something to work for.

It's important to write your goals down. Obviously, not only does it help you to remember them, but it gives you more accountability. People are more likely to attain their goals when they have written it down. You also don't want to set TOO many goals, because you would just be pulled in too many directions.

If you've been reading this blog, then you know that I'm right in the middle of a goal that I had set back in July (with no real timeline), of losing a total of 35 pounds. I'm currently 23 pounds down, with 12 more to go. But I think that I am going to go for a little bit more. So, I'm now changing my weight loss goal to lose 17 pounds by April 30. I haven't decided for sure what workout program I'm going to be doing. I'll be finishing P90X3 THIS WEEK! I had thought about starting the newest program, Insanity Max 30, but I'm a little bit nervous about that. I also thought about creating a hybrid workout using some of the different Beachbody programs that I have, but there is something about going through a program, with its different phases, that makes me feel more accomplished. Either way, I will be sharing on here as I go through whatever I decide.

I also would like to do a monthly date night with my husband. We do date nights occasionally, but I think it would be good to do them more often. So, I made that a goal, in my role as a wife. I'm still deciding on a goal as a mother. I'm thinking an amount of time each day that is completely devoted to my daughter, distraction-free. I already try to do that, but again, probably not as much as I need to.

Another goal that I want to share is in reading more personal development books. When I say personal development, I consider that different than spiritual development. I try to read a devotional, or from my Bible on an almost-everyday basis, and I have done this for years. So when I say personal development, I'm talking things related to leadership, goal-setting and achieving, and those types of things that demonstrate the development of me as a person. This year, I have read the Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson and I am currently reading The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. So, I'd like to see myself complete four books in 2015.

What goals do you want to work toward this year? Write them down, share them with someone, and review them often. Remember, those are some of the things that will increase the chances of your meeting those goals.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Food Snob-Weight Loss Update-Week 22

Be a food snob.

I remember reading those words in a fitness magazine many years ago, and I often cheerily shared that mantra with people.

The idea is that you pass up the less-enticing foods for those that you really want, in an effort to "save" your calories.

I realized the other day, now that we are right in the middle of the Christmas season, that I am not really practicing that rule very well. Yes, I've been saying that I was going to let myself enjoy the season, I wasn't going to be too strict, all of that. And that's good. But I think that I've gone too far that way the last couple of weeks. The thing is, it's not showing up in my weight as much as it is in how I feel overall. I feel slightly less energetic, a little more tired, just not quite as good as I was feeling a month or so ago. Then again, maybe some of that is just the time of year it is. I don't know. But I know that I want to realign back to my ultimate goal, which is to be healthy and make more healthy choices than unhealthy ones.

I say this, knowing that I'm about to be on vacation. (I'm off from my job with the school system for 2 weeks, but my husband will be off from Christmas day on.) So that always means getting away from the routine, feeling that "need" to eat decadent desserts, things like that. So what am I going to do? Well, for one, I guess I need to practice my recently remembered a food snob. If I know we might be hitting Ghiradelli for a yummy dessert, then maybe I shouldn't get cookies as a snack during the day. Just an example.

But, I'm still maintaining my weight. I know that's better than gaining. My immediate goal is to hold steady for the next couple of weeks and come back stronger in January!

Speaking of January, I want to invite you to join me in your own fitness journey. Starting January 12, I will be hosting an accountability group on Facebook, that will help you get in the best shape of your life. It's not too early to be thinking about the things that you want to accomplish in 2015. Connect with me if you want more details.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Week 21: Weight Loss Update and Holiday Tips

I've said this before, but I am okay letting myself enjoy the holidays, and I wasn't going to stay 100% on my eating plan. I'm finding that at the beginning of the work week, I'm good, but then by the end of the week, I ease up a little bit. If I hadn't already lost 23 pounds, I might be a little harder on myself, but this is my favorite time of year, so I will eat a little treat here and there, or eat some goodies at the work Christmas party. It's OKAY. I know if I were sticking to it better, I'd see a bit more progress through this season, but I'm okay with a little slower progress at the moment.

I'm still getting up everyday for my workouts. Well, I did miss one workout last week. (My FIRST one, aside from the scheduled rest days, since I started PiYo back on August 4!) And again, I was okay with that. I did want to be able to say that I had done every workout, but in the grand scheme of things, I've been consistent enough that it's not a big deal. I'm not going to beat myself up about it. Last Saturday I had to get up pretty early to take Emery to a Christmas activity. I had already decided on Friday night that I probably would just do my workout on Sunday instead. But when Sunday came, I just didn't feel like getting up and working out. I also thought that I'd be working out the same muscle groups two days in a row, and that didn't seem like a good idea, so I talked myself out of it. Anyway, I made sure to get it done this week.

So what's my holiday tip? Aside from the typical things you hear, like drink water prior to going to a party, or not skipping breakfast in order to save calories when you'll be eating a bigger meal later, my guide is just this: Stick with the routine as much as possible, but don't get bent out of shape when you indulge a bit. And LET YOURSELF indulge a bit. In fact, that's really a tip for any time of the year, not just the holidays. But maybe during the holidays, I'll let myself indulge a bit more.

I'm still holding steady this week. I didn't drop another pound. I'm kind of stalling right now, since I got to this weight a month ago. Since that time I've stayed the same, gained a pound, lost that pound, and stayed the same. I guess that's how it goes, though, when you're letting yourself indulge a bit.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

More on Contentment

I've been thinking about contentment more lately, which you may know if you saw one of my latest posts. I was tired of not being HAPPY with my life. Not that I was UNhappy, I just was constantly looking ahead to the next thing, or to when I could...[buy a bigger house, get Disney passes, have a higher clothing budget, etc.] And I guess, truthfully (now that I think about it), just thinking those thoughts DID kind of make me unhappy. After all, I wasn't really appreciating what I had. I saw this quote recently, and I really liked it. The gratitude (and contentment) has to come first.

One area that I am seeing a big difference in this is at home with Emery. I used to feel so overwhelmed at the things that I needed or wanted to get done, that I wasn't always enjoying the time with her. When she asked me if I wanted to play with her (in the cutest little way), I would say yes, but I sometimes just wanted to sit down and get my stuff done. But really, I was just not being appreciative of the gift I've been given and enjoying the time I have with her at the age she is NOW. So, now I've been just enjoying that time with her, not worrying about the things that I need to do, knowing that thinking about them when I get to them will be plenty enough thought. Besides, she is more important, and being present with her, for her. That change in mindset has really made a difference. I'm happier because I'm thankful for the gifts I've been given, and I'm focusing on the things that matter.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Weight Loss Update Week 20

I am reading Stephen Covey's book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. It is really good, and I keep thinking that I wish I had read it several years ago when I first heard about it. But at the same time, I probably wouldn't have taken it in like I am now, so I guess it's meant for me to read right now.

One of the things that I'm reading about right now has to do with time management and priorities. The actual habit is "Put First Things First." He talks about how so many urgent (important or unimportant) things get in the way of the important (but not urgent) things. (And then, there are the unimportant and non-urgent things that are basically time-wasters.) So basically, the important things don't get done because they are not urgent enough to be focused on.)

Now, I have NEVER been great at time management. I have developed that skill more in my professional life, but in my personal life it still can be a struggle. But he talks about taking the time to prioritize those non-urgent, but important, things so that you're being proactive and not having to always deal with the urgent, important crises.

You can certainly apply that to being healthy. How many people put their health on the backburner for most of their lives, only to be faced with a heart attack or some other health crisis later? It's so important to make exercise and healthy eating a priority NOW. Plan your meals ahead, prep them as much as possible, even make them ahead in order to avoid that mid-week I'm-tired-but-I-don't-have-any-meals-so-I'll-just-get-a-pizza. Jason and I have gotten so much better at that. I don't know how many times we did something similar to that, thwarting our attempts at losing weight. But we both think through our upcoming week, get a shopping list together, and then prep our food. It is a lot of work, but it pays off in the end.

Well, after Thanksgiving, I got easily back to my healthy eating. I had never stopped working out, so I was continuing with that. And this week I felt good AND went back down another pound. Yay!

So, now I am asking you...shouldn't you be putting first things first? Making your health a priority? It is almost 2015, and now is the time to plan ahead. You probably will make a New Year's resolution to lose some weight, eat better, exercise why not get ready for that now? I will be doing a 4-week challenge group where the participants commit to working out with a Beachbody program, drink the Shakeology meal replacement shake, eating healthy, and interacting in a closed group on Facebook. Participants get individual coaching, support, accountability, recipes, and meal plans. If this is something that you're ready to commit to, comment below or message me on Facebook. If my journey has been the least bit inspiring, know that YOU can do this, too. You can inspire others to be healthy.