Saturday, December 13, 2014

More on Contentment

I've been thinking about contentment more lately, which you may know if you saw one of my latest posts. I was tired of not being HAPPY with my life. Not that I was UNhappy, I just was constantly looking ahead to the next thing, or to when I could...[buy a bigger house, get Disney passes, have a higher clothing budget, etc.] And I guess, truthfully (now that I think about it), just thinking those thoughts DID kind of make me unhappy. After all, I wasn't really appreciating what I had. I saw this quote recently, and I really liked it. The gratitude (and contentment) has to come first.

One area that I am seeing a big difference in this is at home with Emery. I used to feel so overwhelmed at the things that I needed or wanted to get done, that I wasn't always enjoying the time with her. When she asked me if I wanted to play with her (in the cutest little way), I would say yes, but I sometimes just wanted to sit down and get my stuff done. But really, I was just not being appreciative of the gift I've been given and enjoying the time I have with her at the age she is NOW. So, now I've been just enjoying that time with her, not worrying about the things that I need to do, knowing that thinking about them when I get to them will be plenty enough thought. Besides, she is more important, and being present with her, for her. That change in mindset has really made a difference. I'm happier because I'm thankful for the gifts I've been given, and I'm focusing on the things that matter.

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